<MASTER_PAD_INFO>Portable Application Description, or PAD for short, is a data set that is used by shareware authors to disseminate information to anyone interested in their software products. To find out more go to http://www.asp-shareware.org/pad</MASTER_PAD_INFO>
<Keywords>cd catalog, disk catalog, catalog, catalog software</Keywords>
<Char_Desc_45>Catalog, Explore, Search and Print your CDs.</Char_Desc_45>
<Char_Desc_80>Catalog, Explore, Search and Print your CDs or other medias!</Char_Desc_80>
<Char_Desc_250>CD Catalog Expert is a Windows application, designed to organize and maintain a catalog of your computer media collection, including CD-ROMs, harddrives, audio CDs, MP3s, removable disks...</Char_Desc_250>
<Char_Desc_450>CD Catalog Expert is a Windows application, designed to organize and maintain a catalog of your computer media collection, including CD-ROMs, harddrives, audio CDs, MP3s, removable disks... This is useful if you want to keep track of a vast CD collection. With CD Catalog Expert, you can save the drive to a ZDB-file - a database format - and later browse or search. Zdb files can be converted into Txt/Htm files.</Char_Desc_450>
<Char_Desc_2000>CD Catalog Expert is a Windows application, designed to organize and maintain a catalog of your computer media collection, including CD-ROMs, harddrives, audio CDs, MP3s, removable disks... This is useful if you want to keep track of a vast CD collection. With CD Catalog Expert, you can save the drive to a ZDB-file - a database format - and later browse or search. Zdb files can be converted into Txt/Htm files, so your friends can also browse your CDs without CD Catalog Expert. You can also batch search through a multiple number of ZDB-files. You can add a comment so that you can browse the information about the CD-ROMs. CD Catalog Expert also support context menu, just like winzip. This means, there is a "Add to Catalogs" menu-item on the context menu when you right click on a drive or folder in windows explorer.</Char_Desc_2000>